Ozarks Protective Services are the leading experts in Missouri Cannabis Security. We have over 200+ years of Police Officer experience, 25+ years of Cyber Security, and extensive knowledge in METRC for compliant transportation services.

Security Services
Invest in quality security solutions and equipment that can stand the test of time , stay current with ever-evolving regulations.

Dispensary Security
It is essential to maintain a tight and trusted circle. From products on sale to other valuables in the facility and the funds on-site.

The value of cannabis multiplies three folds once it gets across the state, making it very desirable to the criminals en route.

Cannabis Security & Surveillance
You must keep all access points secure as stipulated in Missouri regulations for cannabis operations to keep your license.

Cannabis Security Compliance
Compliance is crucial when operating a business in the cannabis industry;meeting or even exceeding the state's regulations.
Honor, Integrity, and Efficiency
The cannabis industry is cash-intensive and high-value product business, making them hotspots for attack’s. Our security services set the new standards in cannabis protection industry, providing optimum protective service for cannabis service for cannabis dispensaries, manufacturing and cultivation business owners in Missouri. Get world-class cannabis security systems, also best cannabis transportation in Missouri, and consulting as a bonus with Ozark Protective Services
Don't Just Take Our Word For It...
Reach Us
Ozark Protective Services is the industry expert in Cannabis security in Missouri. Whether you need quality security guards, advanced camera systems with AI and 24/7 monitoring, Digital Security VPN and SharePoint Buildouts, Transportation and security Manager training, we provide it all. We offer Missouri Cannabis security plans to dispensaries, manufacturers, and cultivators. Set up a free 15-minute phone call today!
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