Five Facts About Physical and Virtual Securities

Modern security services need to provide not only a physical protective presence, but a virtual one if they are to deliver the safest business environment possible. Virtual security has increased in usefulness and become a widespread protective measure beyond paying someone to constantly monitor a video screen. This is not surprising considering the efficiency and ease of analyzing and managing data in a digital space. Nevertheless, some companies are reluctant to upgrade to the current level of services provided through modern technology. Here are five advantages both physical and virtual securities can provide.



Circumstances can arise that delay a security officer’s appearance to assist in a crisis. A longer delay could result in conditions worsening or creating an environment where deescalation is harder. If the officer is only aware of the immediate surroundings, the wrong instruction could send customers and employees into a more dangerous situation.

One well-trained crewmember can keep an eye on cameras to instantly transmit information about threats to the rest of the facility. Loudspeakers can transmit a security officer’s voice both inside and outside a facility in order to provide instruction or dissuade criminal activity.



While the human eye is capable of discerning great detail in light, visibility is lost as light decreases. The same isn’t true of cameras. Modern technology means low-light and night-vision cameras can help a security officer oversee things when visual conditions worsen. Being able to monitor areas in darkness is a priority in deterring crime. Virtually protecting your business with modern video monitoring is an enormous strength when it comes to business security.



Running a business does come down to turning a profit, and saving expenses by investing in modern technology helps keep a business in the green. With virtual safeguards in place a business can operate with a smaller, more efficient safety team. Money that would be spent outfitting and training more officers can be spent upgrading security equipment, infrastructure, or reallocated to other areas of the business.



Not all security threats come from outside a company. Sometimes employees themselves can attempt to steal from a business. Generally, a security guard’s attention will be directed toward observing customers or others that do not work for the company. Cameras provide security by monitoring areas that can normally only be accessed by employees, and deters internal theft from dishonest employees.



While physical security safeguards do deter criminal activity, they do have restrictions. Security guards arrive to their shifts fresh, but can tire throughout the day or end up standing in a single location for an extended amount of time. This can lead to areas of the business not being monitored correctly or at all for long periods of time. Virtual securities, like cameras, are capable of watching every area of the business at the same time simultaneously, and do not require breaks or rest.

Ozarks Protective Services believe, “guards save individuals, virtual monitoring safeguards belongings.” Having both physical and virtual security measures in place will ensure the safest environment for your business. While it was once easy to maintain security with a physical presence alone, modern technology creates an extra layer of protection from both apparent, external threats and any that could arise internally.